Everything you need to know

Supply: 555
Price: Free
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I’ve launched a few collections which have fragmented the community. This brings everyone together. It ties Abstract Originals, Slothfriends and the Brick By Brick community together. I collected the wallets from these groups and airdropped 160 tokens. Holders who didn’t receive the airdrop can claim their free token.
As I continue on this life journey, opportunities arise where I can share my experience. For example, I currently have access to tons of books, so I can put together quality books that the BxB would be interested in and send them to holders for free.
As I create connections in crypto, I can share these relationships when appropriate. You don’t know when there will be opportunities to add value to the holders, and I intend to be on the lookout constantly.
Sloth Friends
I am still actively involved in the project. However, the project has been built on providing alpha and whitelist spots. The audience there is there to make financial gains purely. When I launched it, I tried to use it to bring people together around niches, which didn’t work, but I was also running alpha groups. That side of the business stuck, and it’s, unfortunately, the side I am the least passionate about.
I’ve essentially empowered several community members to run it, and I am happy to continue this relationship.
What is Brick by Brick?
BxB is for content creators and lifelong learners. It’s a place to learn, grow, and make new friends and connections.
BxB is a podcast, mailing list and social media content on most platforms.
Learn more at http://bxbradio.com/
Join BxB Discord https://discord.gg/9ZgZMPuSq9